Somethings are worth making your own: pizza dough (so easy), chicken stock (so yummy), and red rice (no package preservative nastiness). And somethings aren't: brownies (Giradelli boxed rocks), oatmeal ("ain't nobody got time for that") and black bean burgers ...
Four cans of black beans, lovingly pulverized, homemade breadcrumbs from Mom, organic eggs, chili powder, garlic salt, sauteed onion, and a healthy dose of cumin, and I just threw all the frozen patties in the big garbage can outside.
I am economical but eating veggie burgers that taste like cumin-y cardboard make me sad. I don't care enough to try again, don't eat them often enough to try again, so looks like Morningstar wins.
I'm fine with that. I know when I'm beat.